
  • Saipul Wakit Jember Muhammadiyah University



Implementation, Leadership, Transformational and Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education


Universities in the 4.0 era are required to keep abreast of developments in several aspects including science and technology. Because of these factors, higher education is recommended to be adaptive and make changes quickly. Changes in tertiary institutions are certainly inseparable from the role of leaders who are in control of the sustainability of the institution both in terms of managerial, supervision, coordination, policy and to carry out stimulation, motivation, exemplary and consideration between elements within the organization. To implement a transformation, it takes the leadership's efforts to carry out the elements contained in transformational leadership. Answer some of the focus of the problem and the purpose of data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. This is done because this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. The results of the study explain that the motivation carried out by the leaders uses two techniques, namely formal and non-formal motivation, while exemplary is implemented in several ways, namely performance, discipline, worship and organizational commitment and uswah hasanah. Intellectual stimulation is carried out through a system of work performance, assignments and expertise, while for consideration it is carried out through communication between leaders and employees which is carried out vertically or horizontally with a button up or top down system that emphasizes compassion, sharpening and caring.


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How to Cite

Saipul Wakit. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF TRANFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE AT NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU) HIGHER EDUCATION. International Journal of Social Science, 2(5), 2229–2234.


